Hypothesis-report on the origin of earthquakes and hurricanes.
The nature of the origin of earthquakes and hurricanes is one and the same. The basis of these natural phenomena is Newton's theory of gravitation. These phenomena are cyclical in nature and are due to the cyclic movements of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. In particular, by the gravitational interaction of these celestial bodies (gravitational waves).
The motion of the Earth and the Moon relative to the barycenter does not occur along an ideal ellipse, but sinusoidally relative to the ellipse.
The main reasons in this case are as follows:
1. Different gravimetry on the surface of the Earth and the Moon. Or, in another way, slight deviations from the approximated value (g) on the surface of the Earth and the Moon. The limits of measurement of gravimetry of the lunar surface 161.1 - 163.6 Gal, the limits of measurement of gravimetry of the Earth's surface 978 - 983 Gal.
2. Libration of the Moon. The plane of the lunar equator forms an angle of 1 ° 30 ’with the plane of the ecliptic, and the angle of 6 ° 39’ with the plane of the lunar orbit. All 3 planes intersect along the line of nodes. This law was discovered by Cassini in 1721. Accordingly, the maximum libration of the moon along the meridian is 6 ° 39 ’, the maximum libration of the moon along the longitude is 7 ° 54’.
3. Daily rotation of the Earth. Based on different gravimetry of the Earth and the Moon, as well as different distances between these objects, the barycenter of the Earth-Moon system will be located at a distance from the physical center of the Earth in the following limits: 4,285,115.0 - 4,989,146.0 meters. Accordingly, the possible limits of the proportion of the distances of the Moon-barycenter and barycenter-Earth (80.50894: 1) - (82.17629: 1).
The following is a list of some of the earthquakes that occurred from 1995 to 2017.
Date Place Coordinates Time Magnitude
January 16, 1995 Kobe 34.7N 135.1E 20:45 7.3
May 27, 1995 Neftegorsk 52.6N 142.8E 16:05 7.6
August 17, 1999 Izmit 41.8N 30.8E 00:02 7.6
December 16, 2003 Bam 29.1N 58.3E 01:26 6.7
February 28, 2001 Seattle 47.2N 122.7W 18:54 6.8
December 26, 2004 Ind. Ocean 3.3 N 95.9E 00:59 9.3
May 12, 2008 Sichuan 31.0N 103.3E 06:28 8.0
January 12, 2010 Haiti 18.5N 72.5W 21:53 7.0
February 27, 2010 Chile 35.9S 72.7W 06:34 8.8 *
March 11, 2011 Japan 38.3N 142.4E 05:46 9.0 *
April 25, 2015 Nepal 27.8N 86.1E 06:11 7.8
May 12, 2015 Nepal 27.8N 86.1E 07:05 7.3
October 26, 2015 Afghanistan 36.4N 70.7E 09:09 7.5
August 24, 2016 Italy 45.7N 13.2E 01:36 6.1
September 8, 2017 Mexico 14.9N 92.3W 04:49 8.4
Particular note is the earthquake in Chile on February 27, 2010. Due to the earthquake, the axis of rotation of the Earth shifted 8 cm in the direction of longitude 112E. The time of day was reduced by 1.2 microseconds. This means that the Earth received an additional calculated acceleration of 2.44 e-8 m / s ^ 2.
Also of particular note is the earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011, which became one of the most powerful in the history of the country, according to preliminary estimates, reduced the earth's day by 1.6 microseconds and shifted its own axis of the planet by about 15 centimeters. In this case, the Earth received an additional calculated acceleration of 4.39 e-8 m / s ^ 2.
Earthquakes and hurricanes are the result of the interaction of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. Earthquakes occur in the dark red zones of the Earth's gravimetry (mascones — zones of increased gravity) and these zones coincide with the so-called "Fault lines."
While hurricanes occur in the dark blue zones of the Earth's gravimetry (zones of low gravity).
Given the libration of the moon, earthquakes on Earth cannot occur north of 73 ° 13’N and south of 73 ° 13’S. This means in the general case that there is a zone of increased gravity on the moon. An outgoing line from the Lunar zone of increased gravity, and passing through the zone of increased gravity on Earth, creates an earthquake.
1. Calculate given line or lines based on observations of the motion of the moon, in particular the libration of the moon along the meridian and longitude and the daily rotation of the Earth.
2. The point of application or intersection on the Earth's surface is an earthquake if this line crosses the dark red zones of the Earth's gravimetry.
3. The point of application or intersection on the surface of the Earth is a hurricane if this line crosses the dark blue zones of the Earth's gravimetry.
4. This line passes on the Moon most likely through zones or points of increased gravity. (Dark red zones).
5. Create mathematical model of the movement of the "application point".
6. It is necessary to take into account the motion of the Solar center mass .
This situation is the fundamental principle of catastrophic events on Earth (Newton's theory of gravitation). The view that earthquakes are the result of a collision of tectonic plates is not true. Since it does not correspond to the postulates of geometry (the intersection of planes is a line). As earthquakes are local, point character. This means that the application point is the application point of the resulting force application vector.
Identification of the legendary planet Phaeton and its satellite is an urgent task. This will allow the most accurate determination of the motion of the Solar center of mass.
Earthquakes, hurricanes can be calculated both by time, by coordinates and magnitude.
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