"Commentary on the article" The fifth planet of the solar system - Phaethon ".


Igor N. Krivosheev, M.E.


Visibility conditions.


  About 75% of asteroids belong to class C. We believe that 75% of the dust in the asteroid belt also belongs to class C. Every year, about 5.0e + 7 kg of dust settles on the Earth. The surface area of Phaeton without dust is 35 times greater than the surface area of the Earth.


   Accordingly, at least 1.75e + 9 kg of dust settles on the Phaeton, of which 75% is class C, the least reflective and the most absorbing and scattering of sunlight,reducing the brightness of the object by 0.088 +/- 0/022 m per year. From where we can conclude that Phaethon is out of reach for the permeability of terrestrial telescopes.

 Output. The transit search method proposed in the article is correct. This is a search for an object which eclipsing stars. Eclipsis are in the same plane. Search for 2 moving dark spots (planet + satellite).


  Large aperture telescopes are more likely to be detected 2 bodies. When Phaeton passes against the background of a nebula, you can see the outlines of this planet, if you use a polarized filter. In this case, the objects must be in focus. The sinusoidal motion of the asteroids will indicate the location of the search. Geocentric distance + angular velocity of movement in the celestial sphere + eclipse time = planet size.




    All mechanical resonances do not contradict the postulates of mechanics. The gravity of the known giant planets can increase the inclination of the asteroid's orbital plane by no more than i = 1.64 °. To increase the inclination of the asteroid's orbit plane to i = 39.23 ° (in the context of the Kozai-Lidov Resonance), the gravity of a massive body is required, which has a significant inclination of the orbital plane relative to the ecliptic plane.


     An illustrative example is simple enough for "Kozai-Lidov Resonance". Place the rubber ring on the table. Table plane is the maximum inclination in relation to the plane of the ecliptic. By spreading the ring with your fingers, you will increase the eccentricity, nothing more. This effort is consistent with the gravity of the known giant planets.


    To increase the angle between the plane of the ring and the plane of the table, it is necessary to apply force - lift the ring by the edge. This force is consistent with the gravity of a massive body, the orbit of which has a significant inclination in relation to the plane of the ecliptic.


   When using the "Perturbing theory" I express serious doubts that the inclination of the Moon's orbit can be increased by more than 1.0 ° with respect to the ecliptic plane with the existing model of the solar system. Calculations will give the following results min-max 0.54 ° - 1.73 °, average i = 1.06 ° +/- 0.21 °. Actual, the inclination is i = 5.145 °.



    Clustering of the distant TNOs is possible, but clustering is due to the perturbing effect of the displaced part of the Sun and the presence of the Phaeton-Kyknos binary planetary system. For comparison: the perturbing effect from the hypothetical Planets Nine is at least 1000 times less than the perturbing effect of the displaced part of the Sun and the Phaeton-Kyknos binary system and is comparable to the Yarkovsky effect and the perturbing effect from Alpha Centauri.


   Another comparison. The "perturbing effect" of the Planet Nine at the distance TNOs is comparable to the "perturbing effect" of the Moon in relation to Pluto. Could the Moon have a significant impact on Pluto's orbital parameters?  Practically no effect the Moon will have on the orbital parameters of Pluto. In my case, the "perturbing effect" is equivalent or comparable to the influence of Uranus on the orbital parameters of Pluto. The comparison is not in favor of the  Planet NineTheory.


  The inclination of the diurnal axes of rotation of the planets of the Solar System fully fits into the "Gyroscope theory". If :


                     ω = M / IΩ (1)

where Ω - vector of day rotate angular velocity of Earth.


The scalar magnitude is calculated using the formula:


                 M = ω • I • Ω • Sin [M; Ω] (2)


  If Sin [M; Ω] → 0, then М → 0 and ω → 0, which should be for the known existing model of the Solar System. Conclusion: the inclination of the diurnal axes of rotation of the planets of the Solar System should be minimal and should be ε ≤ 2.5 ° with the existing model of the Solar System. Actual, the situation is completely different.


  The reason is an invisible massive giant planet, the force of gravity of which creates an additional turning moment M, where the plane of this moment has a significant angle with respect to the plane of the ecliptic, that is, Sin [M; Ω] >> 0.


    The logic is simple. Force is cause, resonance is effect. The attempt to replace the mechanical understanding of the Kozai-Lidov resonance with a statistical one, that is, the cause for the effect, is akin to the statement "The wind blows because the leaves move."


  In my opinion, the word "resonance" has become a kind of universal plug into all holes.



The movement of the Sun within the Solar System.


  The movement of the Sun inside the Solar System should be considered in the context of the complex (composite) movement of a point.


Correction of angular velocities of movement:

1. The angular velocity in the basic or "stationary" coordinate system is n = 3.743193769 e-7 rad / sec;

2. The angular velocity in the relative or "moving" coordinate system is n = 2.661672561 e-6 rad / sec.


  In other words, the synodic period of the Sun's motion is S = 31.7937 days.


This situation can be easily verified by measuring the Solar constant. The period between two maximums is the synodic period of movement.


  Accordingly, the ideal repetition of the maxima is every 413.3 days or 13 synodic solar days. Earlier, I made an assumption about the two nuclear internal structure of the Sun. Perhaps in this situation we will have 2 highs maximums with an interval of 5,008.2 ± 1.4 seconds.

 As a result of such a complex sinusoid of the Solar constant, the impression will be created that the Sun is "breathing".



  Orbital and physical characteristics of the Phaethon-Kiknos binary planetary system.

 Оrbital elements  Phaeton (correction) :

Epoch 2015.0, September 8.367 = 2 457 273.867 JDT (perihelion)
Node 193.55483, Arg 142.21701, a 4.146448 , Incl 20.76217, e 0.53419 , P 8.4428 , n 0.116741751

Anomalistic perihelion precession p(a) = 6.3227 arc sec per day.
Nodes precession p(n) = 34.9995  arc sec per day.

Physical parameters of Near Giant Planet – Phaeton(correction) :

Mass 103.2493 +/-0.2941 Earth mass (Phaethon + Kiknos)or 6.16667e+26 kg.

Phaeton diameter - 93,750.0(+/- 250) km with dust.

Kiknos diameter  - 37,500.0(+/- 250) km with dust.

Density 2500-2900 kg per cubic meter.

Dust concentration in near planetary space is not less than 160,000 particles per cubic meter. 

Mass proportions (Phaeton - Kiknos) 16.67: 1.

Оrbital elements  Phaeton-Kiknos: a 7,149,635.0 km (?), P 216.73 days (?).


Instead of an epilogue.

   The solution to this problem from a practical point of view takes no more than 1 week. To confirm the conclusions of article [2], it is enough to direct the telescope to coordinates [1]. If I calculated everything correctly, then any astronomer will find these 2 celestial bodies. But in May-June 2021, the movement of the object in the celestial sphere is minimal, near the "Standing Point".

    It seems to me that the failure of logic in the scientific world is most likely due to the lack of scientific interest for research, as well as the absence of doubts about the correctness of the conclusions made by PhDs and their authority. But PhDs are wrong because it is human nature.

  Something similar happened in history. The great Aristotle, studying flies, mistakenly wrote in one treatise that a fly has eight legs. The authority of the teacher was so strong that this position was not revised for many years, until some wise guy of the Renaissance, swatting a fly, did not bother to count her legs. There were six of them.

  I apologize to the reader for my bad "half-cat-half-penguin" English. I hope the reader understood the essence of the comment.



1. https://search-for-near-giant planet.blogspot.com/2021/04/applications.html

2. https://search-for-near-giant-planet.blogspot.com/2021/04/fifth-planet-of-solar-system-phaeton.html


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