Fundamental Physical Constants – Correction Listing
author: Igor N. Krivosheev - mechanical engineer
Quantity Value Uncertainty Unit
atomic unit of 1st hyperpolarizability 3.206 361 318 406 341 647 913 929 048 138 5 e-53(exact t.c.) C^3 m^3 J^-2
atomic unit of 2nd hyperpolarizability 6.235 380 024 648 202 247 838 867 009 860 3 e-65(exact t.c.) C^4 m^4 J^-3
atomic unit of charge density 1.081 202 382 785 438 389 226 177 599 007 3 e12 (exact t.c.) C m^-3
atomic unit of current 6.623 618 230 252 817 242 166 526 452 740 5 e-3(exact t.c.) A
atomic unit of electric dipole mom. 8.478 353 630 196 200 628 087 980 246 025 1 e-30(exact t.c.) C m
atomic unit of electric field 5.142 206 739 175 040 618 495 245 484 782 2 e11(exact t.c.) V m^-1
atomic unit of electric field gradient 9.717 362 407 909 998 033 633 498 705 701 e21 (exact t.c.) V m^-2
atomic unit of electric polarizability 1.648 777 277 973 925 823 053 244 802 599 5 e-41 (exact t.c.)C^2 m^2 J^-1
atomic unit of electric potential 27.211 386 216 174 260 487 436 990 969 713(exact t.c.) V
atomic unit of electric quadrupole mom. 4.486 551 529 540 100 228 097 229 212 429 8 e-40(exact t.c.) C m^2
atomic unit of energy 4.359 744 717 430 407 302 520 099 747 894 1 e-18(exact t.c.) J
atomic unit of force 8.238 723 484 703 582 514 953 990 555 813 3 e-8 (exact t.c.) N
atomic unit of length 5.291 772 111 935 693 494 883 398 883 737 e-11 (exact t.c.) m
atomic unit of mag. dipole mom. 1.854 802 015 670 294 001 515 709 584 568 2 e-23 (exact t.c.) J T^-1
atomic unit of mag. flux density 2.350 517 564 999 987 062 362 176 923 745 e5 (exact t.c.) T
atomic unit of magnetizability 7.891 036 609 506 486 332 737 019 251 422 4 e-29 (exact t.c.) J T^-2
atomic unit of mass 9.109 383 701 510 503 937 681 336 397 342 e-31 (exact t.c.) kg
atomic unit of momentum 1.992 851 913 005 757 428 271 622 649 141 4e-24(exact t.c.) kg m s^-1
atomic unit of permittivity 1.112 650 056 053 618 432 174 089 964 848 e-10 (exact) F m^-1
atomic unit of time 2.418 884 329 235 935 497 865 000 379 589 5 e-17 (exact t.c.) s
atomic unit of velocity (2) 2.187 691 262 445 455 889 223 473 091 789 5 e+6 (exact) m s^-1
Bohr magneton 9.274 010 078 351 470 007 578 547 922 840 8 e-24 (exact t.c.) J T^-1
Bohr magneton in eV/T 5.788 381 806 067 126 808 178 471 989 150 2 e-5 (exact t.c.) eV T^-1
Bohr magneton in Hz/T 1.399 624 493 615 038 169 733 012 549 352 5 e10(exact t.c.) Hz T^-1
Bohr magneton in inverse meter per tesla 46.686 447 782 987 194 752 344 722 072 778 (exact t.c.) m^-1 T^-1
Bohr magneton in K/T 0.671 713 815 629 567 689 367 721 116 868 95 (exact t.c.) K T^-1
Bohr radius 5.291 772 111 935 693 494 883 398 883 737 e-11 (exact t.c.) m
characteristic impedance of vacuum 376.730 313 461 770 655 468 198 400 420 32 (exact) ohm
classical electron radius 2.817 940 324 667 539 210 521 855 446 452 6e-15 (exact t.c.) m
Compton wavelength 2.426 310 238 680 294 599 839 653 500 811 3 e-12(exact t.c.) m
electron mass 9.109 383 701 510 503 937 681 336 397 342 e-31 (exact t.c.) kg
electron mass energy equivalent 8.187 105 776 833 326 436 181 924 347 644 1 e-14 (exact t.c.) J
electron mass energy equivalent in MeV 0.510 998 949 996 753 381 449 072 134 430 1(exact t.c.) MeV
electron molar mass 5.485 799 088 734 607 933 125 127 580 970 5 e-7 (exact t.c.) kg mol^-1
electron volt-hartree relationship 3.674 932 221 591 882 333 958 325 766 247 4 e-2 (exact t.c.) E_h
fine-structure constant (1) 7.297 352 565 305 214 880 433 960 389 322 1 e-3 (exact)
hartree-electron volt relationship 27.211 386 216 174 260 487 436 990 969 713(exact t.c.) eV
Hartree energy 4.359 744 717 430 407 302 520 099 747 894 1 e-18 (exact t.c.) J
Hartree energy in eV 27.211 386 216 174 260 487 436 990 969 713 (exact t.c.) eV
hartree-hertz relationship 6.579 683 913 292 718 916 536 221 319 501 1 e15 (exact t.c.) Hz
hartree-joule relationship 4.359 744 717 430 407 302 520 099 747 894 1 e-18 (exact t.c.) J
hartree-kelvin relationship 3.157 750 244 580 923 393 650 449 714 514 e5 (exact t.c.) K
hartree-kilogram relationship 4.850 870 204 228 409 537 679 687 238 906 1 e-35 (exact t.c.) kg
hertz-hartree relationship 1.519 829 847 722 217 937 136 236 734 289 3 e-16(exact t.c.) E_h
inverse fine-structure constant 137.035 999 158 713 331 798 793 938 899 48.. (exact)
kelvin-hartree relationship 3.166 811 566 925 279 945 442 787 246 917 e-6 (exact t.c.) E_h
kilogram-hartree relationship 2.061 485 790 999 560 000 501 828 753 477 2 e+34 (exact t.c.) E_h
natural unit of energy 8.187 105 776 833 326 436 181 924 347 644 1 e-14 (exact t.c.) J
natural unit of energy in MeV 0.510 998 949 996 753 381 449 072 134 430 1 (exact t.c.) MeV
natural unit of length 3.861 592 679 604 452 763 236 940 396 381 1e-13(exact t.c.) m
natural unit of mass 9.109 383 701 510 503 937 681 336 397 342 e-31 (exact t.c.) kg
natural unit of momentum 2.730 924 530 740 972 288 296 166 659 284 e-22 (exact t.c.) kg m s^-1
natural unit of momentum in MeV/c 0.510 998 949 996 753 381 449 072 134 430 1 (exact t.c.) MeV/c
natural unit of time 1.288 088 668 196 066 748 029 044 945 614 e-21(exact t.c.) s
Newtonian constant of gravitation 6.674 301 088 740 092 133 769 705 962 410 6 e-11 (exact t.c.) m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
Planck length 1.616 255 156 248 883 390 650 127 043 990 1 e-35 (exact t.c.) m
Planck mass 2.176 434 165 203 324 632 208 546 618 280 2 e-8 (exact t.c.) kg
Planck time 5.391 246 888 035 066 548 105 513 194 698 6e-44(exact t.c.) s
quantum of circulation 3.636 947 551 622 660 971 250 280 644 382 2e-4 (exact t.c.) m^2 s^-1
quantum of circulation times 2 7.273 895 103 245 321 942 500 561 288 764 3e-4(exact t.c.) m^2 s^-1
reduced Compton wavelength 3.861 592 679 604 452 763 236 940 396 381 1 e-13(exact t.c.) m
Rydberg constant 10 973 731.556 136 610 542 310 943 191 746 (exact t.c.) m^-1
Rydberg constant times c in Hz 3.289 841 956 646 359 458 268 110 659 752 e15 (exact t.c.) Hz
vacuum electric permittivity 8.854 187 817 620 389 850 536 e-12 (exact) F m^-1
vacuum mag. permeability (4) 1.256 637 061 435 917 295 385 e-6 (exact) N A^-2
1. The fine structure constant is calculated according to the old and forgotten formula: α=( c·e^2) / (ħ·10^7)
2. Accordingly atomic unit of velocity V(u) = c · α
3. (exact t.c.) - Value determined using tensor calculus.
4. This value, as it seems to me, fully reflects the philosophical perception of the physical essence of an electromagnetic wave and fully fits into the context of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory. This is one moment. Another point is that when this value is put into formulas, the values of other constants stop “jumping” and become clear-cut, passing into the category (EXACT).
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